What is keeping us from Changing?
We often have a desire to improve, and yet, somehow, most of us don’t succeed in attaining those desires (Only 8% keep their New Years Resolutions).
Are you Programed?
We are all programed! Our subconscious mind is controlling 90+% of our actions. It is a good thing because we don’t want to be responsible to tell our heart to beat or to breathe. This is true even though 90% are using only about 10% of our lung capacity which is another matter.
Habit Breaker
James Clear, author of the best-selling book Atomic Habits, says, “The habits you repeat (or don’t repeat) every day largely determine your, health, wealth, and happiness.” Changing habits that are not serving you requires rewiring your brain which can rewire your life!
Most of us know that it is important to be more aware in our daily life, to be hypervigilant about those things around us. But, somehow, we get caught up in the stress of the day and before you know it, the week goes by and things start to pile up bringing consequences that we could have changed.
Do you have a coach?
"Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player." Bill Gates
The World is Full of Ditherers
We all have heard the phrase – “He who hesitates is lost”. We probably have all spent too much time deliberating about what to do and lost the chance to act altogether. It’s a would've, could've, should've moment.
Defragging Your Mind
Defragmenting your computer helps organize the data to improve its performance and speed. What if you could defrag your mind to allow it to run better, faster and calmer?
Can Your Thoughts Change Your Brain & Body?
Neuroscience has proven that our thoughts create up to 90% of illnesses and can even change our genes. Neuroplasty (brain/change) is widely accepted, but can we change our lives by changing our thoughts?
Limiting Beliefs
Limited Beliefs are thoughts or fixations from your past or opinions that one believes to be the absolute truth. They impact one's life by stopping them from moving forward and growing on a personal and professional level.
If we think about it, we all know that the mind influences our physiology in many ways — from stress to sexual arousal and many things in between. Staying present and changing the way you think can improve your physical health and well-being. Our mind certainly won't cure everything, but both in the short-term and long-term a healthy mindset is a key component to a healthy body.
The Sleep you always Wanted
Sleep, or lack of it, positively or negatively impacts every single cell and function of our mental and physical health. Yet, 65% of the US adult population fail to get the sleep they need each night.
Intellectual Wellness
This is the 7th article in a series on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness our Intellectual Wellness. A reminder to why we’re covering these 8 Dimensions. The reason is to show you both the wide array of the things tied to your complete wellness, but also the areas MindSync Mind health gets into with helping our clients.
Intelligence Wellness
This is the 7th article in our series of the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Today’s topic is Intelligence Wellness: Understanding and growing in knowledge, wisdom, and mindfulness.
Social Wellness
We live in a time in which social wellness (developing a sense of connection, belonging and support) has become more difficult.
Spirituality and Wellness
This article addresses the 4th dimension in our series on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Being spiritual is a globally acknowledged concept. While the definition seems to vary, it usually involves the belief in and movement towards an all-powerful force usually called God. The universality of spirituality extends across creed and culture. At the same time, spirituality is very much personal and unique to each person. Spiritual wellness acknowledges our pursuit of and transformation towards a deeper meaning of life.
Let’s Get Physical
This is the third category of The Eight Dimensions of Mind Health1. We have covered Financial and Environmental Health. Today the topic is Physical Health.
Friends and Family Anything but Discount - Pt. II
Last week’s1 newsletter was on the “Home and Work Environmental Wellness”. This week we will focus on “Authority Figures and Peers”. Researchers2 have concluded that 50 to 70 percent of our personality is developed prior to 8 years of age. That means that the impact of parents, teachers, and peers is monumental.
Attaining Wellness When Our Environment Changes: Part 1
When we think about our environment, many of us think about nature and climate. Few are aware of its expanse and how our environment is affecting our Mind Health.
Part 3: The “How” on Money and Your Health
Money impacts so much, but most importantly unhealthy financial stress can lead to us being in a constant state of fear. Part of my purpose in starting MindSync was so I could provide everyone a clear, calm, consistent, and peaceful mind. From there our potential as humans is limitless.
Part 2: The “What” on Money and Your Mind Health
Last week’s newsletter, on this three-part series, was on the “why” of Financial Stress. If you missed it, I’d encourage you to give it a quick read. This week we’re going to focus on the “what” of financial stress.