The World is Full of Ditherers

We all have heard the phrase – “He who hesitates is lost”. We probably have all spent too much time deliberating about what to do and lost the chance to act altogether. It’s a would've, could've, should've moment.

Weight loss is just one example – we all know that nutrition, exercise and eating less is what we should do, yet 70% Americans dither!

Part of the reason I became a Mind Health Coach is that I led CEO peer groups and would see these business leaders knowing the decisions they needed to make. Their peers would reinforce the concepts, yet they would not act on it. The pain for these business leaders often times was significant in their culture and productivity.

Many of us spend time improving our business or personal skills, knowledge or abilities yet spend little time changing our mind which could accelerate and allow us to capture those skills, knowledge and abilities at a deeper level, more quickly.

I tell people that I defrag minds for the same reason you defrag your computer - to make it run better, faster and calmer. Imagine if you could make better, faster more confident decisions to improve performance, comprehension and retention. Imagine if you would not dither about things. You know what you should do, but dither anyway.

Here are a few reasons we dither:

  1. We each hold onto what we believe are facts which are really a version of our own truths, perceptions and misunderstandings from the past.

  2. We don’t know what we don’t know. This is because 50-70% of our personality was developed by age 8 by our authority figures and peers, and we bought into it with our beliefs.

  3. Most of us have tried to break habits or behaviors and have given up after the 21 Days Myth because we saw little difference. We improve our skills and knowledge not realizing that what we needed to change was our imaginations, memories and emotions that caused the beliefs that need to see a different result.

Imagine if you could have more energy, better health, greater peace of mind and make better, faster decisions with confidence without the dither. Discover how you can defrag your mind, by contacting us.


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Defragging Your Mind