Do you have a coach?

"Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player." Bill Gates

There is a myriad of coaches out there. What many are looking for in a coach is solutions to enable them to achieve and act with greater confidence and creativity. However, much of coaching is centered on knowledge, strategy, skills and abilities regarding the individual or business rather than better decision making.

When facilitating and coaching leaders in peer groups, I saw that most had the knowledge and skills yet struggled with the stress and loneliness of the role, getting their people to see and participate in their vision and pulling the trigger on decisions.

Determining if you need a coach is both a personal and business decision.

Executive coaching works well as shown by approximately $11.6 Billion spent in 2020. Some 40% of Fortune 500 companies employ executive coaching. Most desired was self-awareness, interpersonal skills, listening skills, and empathy.

Many pursue Emotional Intelligence which is highly touted in leaders, yet even it can have drawbacks - higher EQ levels have shown lower levels of creativity and innovation potential. Higher EQ functionals struggle to give negative feedback, and their cool-headedness and positivity means they also have difficulty receiving it.

Life coaches generally help clients to realize their goals and objectives from a personal standpoint with some also offering professional coaching. They uplift their clients in relationships, problem solving, actionable processes, self-awareness, fighting insecurities and improving strengths. Often the filtration process of hiring a life coach can be tedious. It’s easy for anyone to call themselves a life coach. Ask about their certifications and results tied to your goals.

A Mind Health Coach offers both executive coaching and life coaching plus a balanced mental and emotional state. It allows clients to Access, Experience and Reinforce steps to achieve a calm mind to make better, faster and more creative decisions. This allows a person to be more productive during their day whether in their business or in personal life.

So, what kind of coach do you need?

Here are some steps to increase your ROI with whatever coaching method you choose:

  1. Agree to outcomes at the beginning of a coaching engagement.

  2. Align with business/personal objectives.

  3. Involve and share results with your team (if with business).

  4. Review progress.

  5. Measure success.

If you are thinking about securing a coach, give us a call for a free chat to discuss.




The World is Full of Ditherers