What is MindSync Mind Health?
The AMA has stated that between 50-90% of all dis-ease is psychosomatic. They say 9 out of 10 visits to the doctor are stress related. You see, your thoughts create energy! An estimated 80% of our thoughts are negative and therefore your brain reacts with negative energy and creates chemicals which create dis-ease in the body over time. Think of the many sayings that we use: “Don’t worry, you will have an ulcer.” The problem before that is that we first get acid reflex, then IBS or H-pylori and an ulcer which generally means we are seeing 4-5 doctors and a neurologist. Ultimately, it was all caused by our thoughts which can be changed through working with MindSync Mind Health.
My sessions with clients are of course confidential, most are done over Zoom. You can schedule online and pay online with your credit card. We will chat online before meeting to determine the most appropriate direction to health, answer any questions and determine the package and/or homework if any, before the first official session. Insurance does generally not pay for my services, I am a coach, so many are able to write off my services.