What is keeping us from Changing?

We often have a desire to improve, and yet, somehow, most of us don’t succeed in attaining those desires (Only 8% keep their New Years Resolutions).

The reason we don’t succeed is that most of us are living incongruent lives from what we were meant to be. An example is with weight control – we know we should eat less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff and exercise. Yet, 70% of America end up frustrated because the discipline of losing those XX pounds or that trendy diet is awful in so many ways.

Change requires incredible discipline, time, and an internal motivation which has to be all about you. Your values and your goals. If your goal is about how others view you or say about you – that is external, and change will be extremelydifficult. Doing it for you allows you to address the real issue. 70% of weight loss issues are emotionally based. “It is not what you are eating, but what is eating you!” You can desire change for others, but you can’t really change others. You can only change yourself.

One of the issues is that we are working against one of the Rules of the Mind which is that our mind always strives to return to the familiar from the unfamiliar. In the weight loss example, our subconscious merely says, here we go again, I can’t wait for this to be over. Our diet is what we eat so we need to develop a new habit of eating properly.

My example is about weight, but this extends to every emotional issue. Most of us wish to be our best, yet we feel or know that something is sabotaging it. We keep repeating the behaviors that prevented us from achieving success in the first place. The brass ring is there in the distance, but somehow, we are not able to grab on to it or maintain our hold.

Behind our curtain there seems to be some evil wizard who is pulling our strings. Blocking us and telling us that we can’t ever achieve – attain that…. Something seems to be sabotaging us, preventing us from achieving our desires. We want to quiet our minds and turn down the noise, relieve the stress and accomplish more, however....

MindSync Mind Health teaches you to enter into the quiet of your mind to take control and make better choices and decisions. It also allows you to have more predictability and progress in whatever you choose.


Stress is not Bad


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