Are you Programed?

We are all programed! Our subconscious mind is controlling 90+% of our actions. It is a good thing because we don’t want to be responsible to tell our heart to beat or to breathe. This is true even though 90% are using only about 10% of our lung capacity which is another matter.

Today I want to share about our mind programs. These are programs that may have been embedded in us since childhood. Behaviors we don’t want but continue to run behind the scenes.

For example, if you are always thinking about not having enough money, then a neuropathway has been created that will lead to lack and limitation. On the other hand, if a person consistently concentrates on happiness, they strengthen the neuropathways to happiness. Every thought and feeling strengthens neuropathways. And our brain fires and wires accordingly.

I wrote some time ago about each of us having a fierce battle going on inside of us. There are two wolves inside of us, a black wolf and a white wolf. The black wolf is Evil! He is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” The white wolf is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.” The one that will win is the one that we feed!

We all radiate a specific vibrational frequency that is in alignment with our beliefs and allows those beliefs to manifest in our lives. Through repetition and consistency, the brain can rewire new neuropathways. We must view this like building our muscles with a fitness program. You could not go to the gym once and expect to build a muscular body. Neither can you do this with your mind. As a small example, change hands while brushing your teeth. Do it each time you brush and eventually it will seem normal. You are rewiring your pathways.

This rewiring is how to break habits. Unless we rewire, habits stick around. But we each have the opportunity to change in a more rapid and effective way.

The quickest way to accomplish this is through deep mind meditation where we are able to access the subconscious and determine the facts and cultivate new truths towards accomplishing the change you desire.

Understand more about rewiring your mind. Contact us.


What is keeping us from Changing?


Habit Breaker