Limiting Beliefs

Limited Beliefs are thoughts or fixations from your past or opinions that one believes to be the absolute truth. They impact one's life by stopping them from moving forward and growing on a personal and professional level.

  • limiting beliefs develop in childhood when you aren't always able to process what happens to you. When one experiences an event, a trauma, or just misperceives something that happened, the feelings from that moment can remain stuck in your subconscious and affect your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and beliefs forever until you deal with them.

We can have limiting beliefs about almost anything. The three most common are:

  • I am not enough

  • I am different or defective

  • I can never attain/achieve that…

Our thoughts are very powerful because they control our emotions, and our emotions lead to our behaviors and eventually our beliefs supersede any truth that counteracts it.
How to change? The things we think and say to ourselves manifest in our lives. The things that we say to ourselves can be the number one support tool or your number one tool of destruction. A subtle comment of self-criticism can keep us stuck or cause us to act in a way we would say is totally against what we desire. When we don’t believe we can, we won’t. Limiting beliefs are those things you believe about yourself that ultimately place limitations on your abilities. They are subconscious thoughts creeping in and telling you something that is generally not true.

Is how you talk to yourself helping you or holding you back?
Limiting beliefs are simply assumptions about your reality that come from your perceptions of life experiences. In order for our actions to have the greatest positive effect, we need to have beliefs that are as close to reality as possible.

5 Steps to Help Get Rid of Your Limiting Beliefs
1. Write out Your Negative Beliefs - verbalize it, visualize your
future self in the present and accept it's a fear of yours.
2. Determine what instilled these beliefs.
3. Determine your new positive belief. Support it with evidence.
4. Think of the worst case & how you will overcome it.
5. Use Deep Mind Meditation regularly.

Or contact us for assistance in stopping your limiting beliefs.


Can Your Thoughts Change Your Brain & Body?

