Part 3: The “How” on Money and Your Health

Money impacts so much, but most importantly unhealthy financial stress can lead to us being in a constant state of fear. Part of my purpose in starting MindSync was so I could provide everyone a clear, calm, consistent, and peaceful mind. From there our potential as humans is limitless.

This newsletter is part 3 of a three-part series. Make sure to catch up on the last two weeks where we covered the “why” and “what” of financial stress. This week we’ll get very practical as we go through the basics on “how” to get relief from financial stress. 

Keep in mind this practical universal tool I’m going to share with you is just part of letting go of financial stress---it’s a starting place. We all have individual struggles when it comes to money. Many times, those individual struggles come in the form of deep subconscious beliefs. We’ll share more on those another time or during an individual session.

For today, we’ll focus on three of the most common financial stresses and a simple way to start providing relief for each of them at the same time:

  1. Between Partners

  2. Spending from your future

  3. Being unaware of your resources

For starters, email me here to get the excel spreadsheet at the link.  There are detailed instructions on the first sheet, but in a nutshell, it provides you a way for you and your partner to go through all of your expenses together and the worksheet automatically calculates useful numbers. You’d be surprised how few people have done an exercise like this as a couple.  

Most people get the following from the exercise:

  • Forces you to get on the same page. This opens the door for more clear communication, reducing friction as partners.  (Tip: make sure to avoid getting judgmental. You’re just gathering the facts for starters)

  • You quickly become aware if you’re setting aside enough money for your future. Your mind won’t be at ease until you are.

  • You become aware of where your money is going. Often this blossoms into conversations about whether you’re spending the way you want to.

Once you filled out the sheet, I’d encourage you to reach out to go deeper. The worksheet is a starting place to obtain relief from financial stress. 

These understandings of the “why”, “what”, and “how” of Money and Your Mind Health is just the tip of the iceberg. Many times the first part of relieving financial stresses is starting a conversation. Reach out today to see how I can help by clicking here.


Attaining Wellness When Our Environment Changes: Part 1


Part 2: The “What” on Money and Your Mind Health