Attaining Wellness When Our Environment Changes: Part 1

When we think about our environment, many of us think about nature and climate. Few are aware of its expanse and how our environment is affecting our Mind Health. 

Our environmental exposures are very broad, and each can trigger negative or positive mind health. Examples include the Pandemic, Social Unrest, Politics, Space, Noise, Pollution, Weather, Social, Authority Figures, Peers, Family, Work Conditions, and many more. 

In Part 1 on Environment Wellness, we discuss Home and Work. Part 2 will discuss Authority Figures and Peers. While this certainly does not cover every aspect of Environmental Wellness, it will give us a glimpse into the impact on all of us. 

Unexpectedly, in 2020 the home and work environments merged for most of us. It impacted some of us much more than others.  For many it influenced our behaviors, actions, moods, and attitudes. In many cases the new “office environment” lacked ambiance (kitchen table) and amenities, and of course, we lost our social interaction. While this created a home renovation boom. Things like privacy and peer interactions were void and this change affected our health and our sleep. The new norm now became juggling family and personal interruptions which created additional stress. 

Mind-body studies* show how our moods, behaviors and interactions can increase stress and health issues. Something as simple as plants in your office, or a treasured photograph on the wall can do a lot to improve your mood.  They can impact your emotional and physical health, including longevity!

Below are some things to be conscious of during our new environment:

  • Communicating and collaborating with others personally, professionally and socially.

  • Feeling inspired and challenged at work and in your personal relationships.

  • Finding work/life balance.

  • Working in a way that fits into your personal learning style.

  • Preparing and making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life.

A Marsh McLennan study* indicated that the new norm will continue: Before COVID-19, 5% of working days were spent at home. During the pandemic, this increased eightfold to 40% a day. And post-pandemic, the number will likely drop to 20%. But that 20% still represents a fourfold increase of the pre-COVID level highlighting that working from home is here to stay. 

Contact us to find out the effects on our Mind Health from Environment Wellness.



Friends and Family Anything but Discount - Pt. II


Part 3: The “How” on Money and Your Health