Part 1: The “Why” on Money and Your Mind Health
There’s no doubt 2020 was a year of stress for many. At MindSync we talk about all sorts of stress and the impact on your Mind Health. One of the largest stresses can be money.
8 Dimensions of Mind Health
Are you aware of your eight dimensions of Mind Health? To neglect any one dimension over time will adversely affect the others, and ultimately one’s health, well-being, and quality of life. The dimensions include:
How Can You Change Core Beliefs?
I remember how my Mother would compare me with others. She would say “You should be more like him!” Even when said with good intentions, it impacted me throughout my adult life. It wasn’t until I recognized that I was the one who created this belief and turned it into my internal wiring in my subconscious mind, that I was I able to change.
You Are What You Speak
Think of Your Words as Nutrition. If you are only eating junk food, your body would know it and show it. We know that feeding our body nutritious food is important for our health, yet we continue to allow junk words and images to enter our minds and then come out of our mouths. They are equally, if not more, important.
Rewire Your Brain
Most people don’t realize that it is the mismanagement of our imaginations, memories, emotions and the thoughts that feed them that knocks our body out of alignment and causes dis-ease. How’s this? People become addicted to the bad thinking which, in turn, produces brain chemicals which brings about dis-ease.
What We Were Meant to Be!
I have tried to imagine what my life would have been like had I known how my mind was keeping me from fully being who I was meant to be. How I might have treated others differently and had been my more authentic, purposeful self. We all come from varied backgrounds, but I have seen the rich and intelligent and poor and simple alike searching for meaning and truth. All seem to struggle with some form of three general issues. I am enough, I am different, and I can’t ever attain that…. These three issues keep them trapped.
Video Post: Trash Talk
Video Post: learn about the trash talk of the mind and how to remove it.
How the Mind Works
I’ve always been challenged by hearing, “The mind is really complicated and very complex. It takes a lifetime to understand and to master.” I’ve thought, no one wants to spend a lifetime trying to master their mind---and it doesn’t have to be so difficult.
Personal Trainer for the Mind
We get a personal trainer for our Physical Health, but what are we doing for our Mind Health?
Story of the Black Wolf and the White Wolf
According to legend, one evening, a Cherokee elder was teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. This battle that goes on between the two wolves is inside us all of us.