How the Mind Works

I’ve always been challenged by hearing, “The mind is really complicated and very complex. It takes a lifetime to understand and to master.” I’ve thought, no one wants to spend a lifetime trying to master their mind---and it doesn’t have to be so difficult.

I don’t know about you, but I’m much more interested in getting results. 
I am a great believer in that we can’t fix what we don’t understand. I see so many people who try to battle their minds using their willpower whereas they’d be much more successful by understanding and working with the rules of the mind. 
You can’t fight your wiring or the Rules of the Mind. When you understand how and why your mind operates, you can then work alongside the rules. Instead of against them. From there you can then learn how to control your thoughts and get all the changes you want!
Rules of the Mind

  1. Every thought causes a physical reaction and an emotional response within you.

  2. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when dealing with your own mind or the mind of others.

  3. Your mind works to move you from pain to pleasure.

  4. Your mind is hardwired to resist what is unfamiliar and to return to what is familiar.

  5. Your mind responds to the pictures you construct and the words you tell yourself.

  6. The greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious responds.

  7. The mind cannot hold conflicting beliefs or thoughts they cancel each other out or one dominates.

  8. What is expected tends to be realized.

Let’s start using the rules to work for us rather than against us! Let’s talk.


Video Post: What MindSync is all about


Personal Trainer for the Mind