8 Dimensions of Mind Health

Are you aware of your eight dimensions of Mind Health? To neglect any one dimension over time will adversely affect the others, and ultimately one’s health, well-being, and quality of life. The dimensions include: 

  1. Intelligence

  2. Financial

  3. Environmental

  4. Intellectual

  5. Physical

  6. Social

  7. Occupational

  8. Spiritual

As a Mind Health Coach, my focus is on each of the elements and how we create better mind health. It an evolving process of achieving our full potential to become our best selves.  To accomplish that we must sync our subconscious mind with our conscious mind where we make better, more focused decisions.  It’s about living a happier, more fulfilling life. 

Each dimension is key, and our job relies on finding the thoughts and core beliefs which have limited us in order to change them. They are nothing less than deep-rooted presumptions we make about ourselves, the world we live in and others. Your subconscious mind takes over and holds them as absolute truth and acts them out for you. The good news we all can change.
Are the eight dimensions all operating at peak performance in your Mind’s Health? Contact me to find out what is involved.


Part 1: The “Why” on Money and Your Mind Health


How Can You Change Core Beliefs?