How Can You Change Core Beliefs?

I remember how my Mother would compare me with others. She would say “You should be more like him!” Even when said with good intentions, it impacted me throughout my adult life. It wasn’t until I recognized that I was the one who created this belief and turned it into my internal wiring in my subconscious mind, that I was I able to change.

Our own internal wiring creates our core beliefs. We have created our reality from our thoughts. And our thoughts dictate the decisions we make. And eventually, over time, we believe in it.

So, obtaining a happy life relies on finding the thoughts and core beliefs that work for us. Not against us. Our job is to find these thoughts and beliefs that make our life stuck and change them. They are nothing less than deep-rooted presumptions we make about ourselves, the world we live in, and others. Your subconscious mind absorbs them and holds them as absolute truth. Then they become a basis for how you live your life.

We simply think "that's just the way I am".

Examples of negative core beliefs are:

  • “I am not enough!”

  • “I am unlovable; undesirable; unattractive.”

  • “I can never have/obtain/accomplish that.”

  • “I am different/defective.”

Can you change your core beliefs? Absolutely. But you have to dive in deep. You can pursue all the self-improvements knowledge in the world, but until you change the core beliefs you cannot change the root of what holds you back from your desired life.

Understanding what created and shaped your core beliefs in the first place and bringing them from your subconscious to your conscious mind is the most effective way to change. Let’s talk to find out how.


8 Dimensions of Mind Health


You Are What You Speak