You Are What You Speak

Think of Your Words as Nutrition. If you are only eating junk food, your body would know it and show it. We know that feeding our body nutritious food is important for our health, yet we continue to allow junk words and images to enter our minds and then come out of our mouths. They are equally, if not more, important.

Whatever you put out or consume through images, words or actions, has the same effect on your thoughts as junk food and soft drinks have on your body. So, next time you’re tempted to pursue that witty diatribe that could be hurtful to someone else or yourself understand it’s like binge drinking. You can’t escape the hangover.

Get rid of the Trash Talk! We all know if we allow trash to pile up and don’t empty it, it starts to smell and is certainly unsightly. Our subconscious is like that with the words we use. It does not recognize contractions like don’t, can’t, shouldn’t – it recognizes whatever comes next. “Don’t hit it in the water” on the golf course becomes – Hit it in the water, and it is easily replicated.

Most of us are aware of the rubbish hiding away, ready to leap out at us in a moment. Like a trigger comment can hit us immediately. The beauty of it is that you can confront long-held thoughts and beliefs to let them dissolve into nothingness, leaving you free to become who you were meant to be.

One of the most difficult things to do it is to stay mindful and present. It means acknowledging thoughts that no longer serve you and change them to ones that do. Calming your mind and allowing the clearing process to take place takes work and knowing the rules of the mind. You’ll know you’ve been successful when your focus and memory improve and overall awareness of your mind.

MindSync Mind Health Coaching calms the mind to allow better focus, health, reduced stress and anxiety and greater performance. Reach out to eliminate the Trash Talk.


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