Rewire Your Brain

Most people don’t realize that it is the mismanagement of our imaginations, memories, emotions and the thoughts that feed them that knocks our body out of alignment and causes dis-ease. How’s this? People become addicted to the bad thinking which, in turn, produces brain chemicals which brings about dis-ease.   
Seventy percent of us live in a state of stress, preparing for what will go wrong. We create the emotions that occur, and then we try to survive from them. How do we eliminate this? 
Stop signaling your subconscious in the same familiar patterns! Put attention and energy from your familiar past into your new future. In order to change and achieve success, you need to remain in consciousness. 
Why is this?  Our conscious mind works in present tense! Only in the present moment can you analyze, use logic and make focused decisions. In the present moment you are no longer living in the familiar past or the unpredictable future. You must get beyond your environment (people, spouses, bosses, objects, things and surroundings). When you get beyond your environment, you are no longer who you were, but who you were meant to be.
To help accomplish this it’s important to know our subconscious mind does not hear contractions (like don’t or can’t). Also using sweeping all-inclusive phrases block it (I always, I wish). Your mind wants pictures (visualize yourself having what you want). All of your words matter! Use vivid, exciting words (extraordinary, foolproof, awesome, dependable). Set your mind on fire with your words. 
We can try to change but until we address the underlying beliefs of our subconscious, we will not fully achieve the success we all want.
Another tip; when people elevate their emotional state of gratitude, they change their heart coherence measurably. We must open our heart. Be happier, more vulnerable, care for others, have a passion to give, show gratitude, love, kindness and appreciation. When our heart is beating coherently, it produces a magnetic field that can be up to 3 meters wide. It allows you to spread your energy (or frequency) which carries information and the thoughts of your abundance.
Today is the day to become your future self. Want to find out how? I am trained and certified in allowing you conquer those obstacles.


You Are What You Speak


What We Were Meant to Be!