The Sleep you always Wanted

Sleep, or lack of it, positively or negatively impacts every single cell and function of our mental and physical health. Yet, 65% of the US adult population fail to get the sleep they need each night.

Your mind, while asleep, is processing difficult emotions, moving memories from short-to long-term, helping connect the logical and emotional parts of your brain, working through problems, keeping your immune system functioning at high capacity, and repairing cells and bodily functions that have been damaged.

According to a Gallup study, Americans get just 6.8 hours of sleep each night on average. This compares to 7.9 hours some years ago so we know the problem is getting worse nationally. Beyond physical benefits, research by RAND Corporation shared, “If everyone in the U.S. slept one more hour each night, we would boost the economy by $226.4 billion.”

Why Can’t You Sleep?
There are many reasons why. Lack of sleep stresses you out because your body overproduces the stress hormone cortisol when it’s sleep deprived. Cortisol wreaks havoc on your immune system. It also makes you look older and breaks down skin collagen in men specifically. Not sleeping enough reduces testosterone levels and lowers sperm count. Some tips to improve sleep are below.

  • Write down your entire list of to-dos. Without it listed on a page your brain can’t shut it completely off.

  • Sleep isn’t just about quantity. It’s about quality. Download a sleep app to make sure you’re going through each phase of sleep.

  • Stop the caffeine in the afternoons and evenings. Chocolate contains caffeine---Sorry!

  • Exercise regularly, but don’t overdo it before bedtime.

  • Don’t sleep in on the weekends. Instead, establish a routine of going to bed at a certain time and getting up at a certain time everyday.

  • Problem solve your biggest stressors. White knuckling it doesn’t help you get sleep routine.

  • Practice Diaphragmic Breathing. Especially before bed or when you wake up in the middle of the night.

  • Remove Trash Talk – like saying you can’t sleep – speak what you are for, not what you are against.

  • Listen to soothing music to create a relaxed mood – Delta waves replicate near sleep.

  • Make sure your bed is comfortable, and your room isn’t too hot or too cold.

  • Deep Mind Meditation can help an individual to relax, both mentally and physically, using varying relaxation techniques and identifying the cause of sleeplessness. This is the biggest source of better sleep!

Sleep is one of the most important elements of our health. MindSync specializes in helping you get better sleep so you can live your best life. Contact us to find out how to optimize sleep.




Intellectual Wellness