Intellectual Wellness

This is the 7th article in a series on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness our Intellectual Wellness. A reminder to why we’re covering these 8 Dimensions. The reason is to show you both the wide array of the things tied to your complete wellness, but also the areas MindSync Mind health gets into with helping our clients.

Webster defines Intellect as the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will; or the capacity for acquiring knowledge. This is juxtaposed from intelligence which will be covered in next week’s post.

The brain is often compared to a powerful computer and is also responsible for higher functions such as thought processing and memory formation.

Research during the past decade using various neuro-technologies (aka, brain fitness programs) has suggested that it is possible to fine-tune your neural efficiency or mental horsepower. Your cognitive functions can be made to work more efficiently and in a more synchronized manner. This supports neuroplasty and the fact that our brains can expand our entire lives.

Let’s say that another way given it’s so important. Your brain evolves over your entire life. Think of it like a muscle that you can improve. The implications from that are huge. That means you can change. It means you can grow. It means you can be smarter, healthier, and a new person. Your brain is not fixed!

There are ways to improve the Intellect. For example, you already know you need to take actions to improve your heart health like exercise and certain diet. But how many people take action to improve your most important organ---your brain?

Some ways to improve the Intellect:

  1. Diaphragmatic Breathing exercises: 4 seconds in through the nose, hold for four seconds, Out through the mouth for 4 seconds – do in the moment to calm down, do 30 a day to gain more energy.

  2. 22 brain exercises to improve memory, cognition and creativity. 1

  3. 15 Easy Brain Gym Exercises To Improve Focus And Memory 2

  4. 8 Ways to Increase Your IQ Levels 3

  5. Foods linked to better brain health 4

Contact us for more information on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.


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Intelligence Wellness