Spirituality and Wellness

This article addresses the 4th dimension in our series on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Being spiritual is a globally acknowledged concept. While the definition seems to vary, it usually involves the belief in and movement towards an all-powerful force usually called God. The universality of spirituality extends across creed and culture. At the same time, spirituality is very much personal and unique to each person. Spiritual wellness acknowledges our pursuit of and transformation towards a deeper meaning of life.

Spiritual health includes a purposeful life. It creates a balance between physical, psychological and social aspects of life. Most seek transformation as a part of their spiritual journey. Yet many of us bump up against the same struggles over and over. Maybe it’s unwanted thoughts or a past trauma we can’t seem to overcome.

It’s very common to believe something consciously but struggle to believe it subconsciously which runs under the surface 90% of our actions. This creates internal angst. The book of James refers to this internal conflict as double mindedness. It’s where we believe one thing, but deep down we struggle to believe or act on it.

Being a double-minded person, unstable in all his ways. - James 1:8

We want to be on the straight and narrow road consciously, but many times operate in a way where in our subconscious we falsely believe we are unwanted, defective, or can’t achieve what we are capable of. Sometimes even after identifying the lie at a conscious level and recognizing the truth, we don’t see the desired transformation. This is due to not changing the subconscious belief.

Some steps to greater spiritual transformation:

  1. Be clear on your purpose in life and setup a plan to pursue it. If you’re not pursuing your purpose, it will just lead to unhappiness.

  2. Outline where you’re not consistent in life. This is where you want to be one way but do another. Eliminating this is key to removing internal stress.

  3. Stop the Trash Talk – Use of contractions, future tense, I’ll try – self-critic.

  4. Affirm yourself – Positive, Personal, Present Tense and then Practice it.

  5. Be the change you want to see – actions speak louder than words.

The 8 Dimensions of Wellness include Financial, Environmental, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Intellectual, Occupational, Intelligence. Stay tuned for our continued series to learn about Social Wellness. I’d love to work with you with whatever you’re struggling with this week. Reach out today for help.


Social Wellness


Let’s Get Physical