Mind like Garden
How does your mind/garden grow?
There are a lot of similarities between gardening and your mind. How does your mind/garden grow? Some things to reflect on about gardening and your mind.
Mental Health Month
May was mental health awareness month, what’s the story of mental health today? A 2019 Mind Share Partners report noted that almost 60 percent of the 1,500 employed respondents sampled reported experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition and said that their productivity was affected by their mental health. More than a third of that group—50 percent of millennials and 75 percent of Gen Z respondents—reported that they had left jobs at least partly because of mental health. This was before the last two years of dealing with the pandemic, foreign wars, inflation, rising prices, mass murders and the Great Resignation.
Decisions - Decisions - Decisions
No matter who you are or what you do for a living, you make thousands of minor and some major decisions every day. Most are relatively inconsequential; for example, what do you want for breakfast? Others we fear could haunt us for the rest of our lives.
Let it Go!
Letting It Go
There is a song from the movie Frozen, with a wonderful message called: Let It Go Be the good girl you always have to be, Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.
Deeper Level of Consciousness
Many of my blogs have referred to mindfulness-meditation as one of the things I guide clients in to achieve less stress and anxiety. I have defined Meditation as: strength training for your brain. It is you in a state of reflection that helps you to build equanimity — or clear and balanced seeing — so that you can choose how to respond, rather than react to all that life throws you. But why is that?
Finally Springtime!
I love Springtime! It reminds me of new beginnings. It is amazing how some trees budding, and a sunny day can brighten our attitude. It is a perfect example of how quickly our mind changes. We experience between 50-70 thousand thoughts a day, and 80% are negative. So, how can we lock our spring thoughts in our minds when our mind’s weather isn’t cooperating?
Sleep Epidemic!
Can you answer the following questions about sleep?
-Sleeping in late on the weekends is a good way to catch up on lost sleep.
-It is normal to sleep through the night.
-You are a good sleeper if you can fall asleep within 5 minutes.
-A sound sleeper rarely moves during the night.
If you answered any of the questions true, then you might want to learn more about your sleep and your health.
Life's Lessons from Golf's Lessons
I am an avid golfer, and yet I know that many of my readers are not. Please read further for some life analogies.
Radiate Positivity
There are all sorts of messages about positivity. My wife even has a t-shirt with the message. Exuding positive energy will set you apart and brings others along with you. It can even increase your life span, lower depression rates, and provide greater resistance to illness.
Introvert or Extravert
In my March 15th newsletter, it was pointed out to me by a friend and reader: “A theme I've noticed in your emails is how you represent the traditional ‘extrovert’ narrative. Also, as you probably know, extroverts control most of the narrative in modern American society”. Our dialogue made me realize the issue is a serious one that impacts all aspect of life, and how little is being done to address it.
Don't Worry, be Happy
Sunday was National Happiness Day. The pursuit of happiness is one that humans have been working toward since the beginning of time. Is it possible to experience happiness in the middle of a chaotic world and negative circumstances?
Being more Productive
Productivity generally refers to the ability of an individual, team, or organization to work efficiently within a timeframe to maximize output. An individual's productivity hinges on mental energy and a sense of internal and external motivation.
Breaking a Habit
We all have tried to break habits, and if you are like me, many times with little avail.
What are the Saboteurs?
My incredible wife reminds me to concentrate on transforming myself so I can be healed enough to help others. When you are trained to pick up on Microtel’s in words and actions it is difficult to remember. My focus today is about one the most destructive actions that is stealing our lives.
Improve your health: Breathe
When it comes to improving our health, many of us focus on areas we can easily quantify and track, such as carbs or calories, or the number of times we exercise.
Pandemic impact on our minds…
Yesterday we celebrated Valentine’s Day our national love day! Yet, across the workplace and the population, we find many broken hearts who are not in a celebratory mindset. Society is reflecting things like the Great Resignation, social skills atrophy, and a pent-up unrest and longing for something more.
Alleviating Stress
We all strive to remain calm in today’s upside-down world. Yet, how do you remain calm and confident during the pressure of COVID, civil unrest, and changing business conditions? This is in addition to the ‘normal’ stressors of life.
Emotionally Charged Moments
Have you ever had an emotionally charged moment with a collogue, friend or family member that you wish you could have a do over? And try as you might to prevent it from happening in the future, it reoccurs!
Red pill or blue pill?
The symbolism of the 1st movie The Matrix parallels my journey to understand the mind and the rabbit hole that I had been following prior to becoming a Mind Health Coach.
Gratitude the gift that keeps on giving!
We’ve all felt burnout, stress, and other emotions at work. It happens, and it’s natural. However, holding onto these emotions for too long – no matter how warranted they may be – can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health.