What are the Saboteurs?

My incredible wife reminds me to concentrate on transforming myself so I can be healed enough to help others. When you are trained to pick up on Microtel’s in words and actions it is difficult to remember. My focus today is about one the most destructive actions that is stealing our lives.

It starts with your thoughts which become your words, which become your actions, which becomes your habits, which becomes your character, which becomes your destiny.

The most powerful two words are I AM. Whatever comes after those words it is either lifegiving or life stealing. The talking about yourself, the next words come from deep seated beliefs which we act out. The more you do, the more we will believe it. If we practice it long enough we will become it.

Phrases like “I can’t do it” is the reason you can’t do it or I “always” or “never” do that is a form of self-pity. It makes you believe that you have no control of yourself and will never change.

Tips to minimize:

  1. Catch Your Critic, say It aloud, and separate it from you.

  2. Remember That Thoughts and Feelings Aren't Always Reality.

  3. Give Your Inner Critic a Nickname and talk back.

  4. Change Negativity to Neutrality.

  5. Think Like a Friend.

  6. Shift Your Perspective.

We are born into genius and lulled into mediocrity. We have been taught, encoded, and have accepted layers of disbelief, discouragement, and disappointment and stored them. The best way to alleviate the situation is to meditate through these layers, root them out and to experience the freedom and safety from our “old truth”.

From the moment we are born, the world does a con job on our authentic self. Our peers and caregivers alter who we were meant to be to their own projections. A story gets created, and we act on our beliefs with our actions today.

It may lead to decreased motivation as well as greater feelings of helplessness. This type of critical inner dialogue has even been linked to depression, but it's fixable.

Neuroscience has shown that no matter your age, you can change. Create your path of becoming who you were meant to be.


Breaking a Habit


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