Radiate Positivity

There are all sorts of messages about positivity. My wife even has a t-shirt with the message. Exuding positive energy will set you apart and brings others along with you. It can even increase your life span, lower depression rates, and provide greater resistance to illness. 
Those who radiate positivity are more confident, live in the present moment, and they approach life with a positive attitude. Of course, we can’t be happy 100% of the time. And unauthentic positivity can be toxic. But look at the benefits!
Here are eight practical ways to radiate positivity in your daily life.

  1. Practice gratitude. 

  2. SMILE! Or laugh more. 

  3. Be kind.

  4. Choose and prioritize happiness. 

  5. Know what you can and can't control. 

  6. Get in tune with your emotions.

  7. Mindfulness – live in the moment.

  8. Meditate – reflect on the cause and solution rather than the problem.

Radiating positivity is like a kind of social contagion! Your energy or frequency can be caught and spread just like the common cold.  So, create your own virtuous cycle of positivity with people around you and see the return.
The human body emits frequencies down to the cellular level. A higher level of your frequency results in better health. An interesting phenomenon occurs when different vibrating things/processes come into proximity. They will often start, after a little time, to vibrate together at the same frequency. They “sync up”.  So, bonding and trust are increased.
If our personal energy signature is high, we attract more positive emotions and experiences. Peace, Love, and Joy for instance are the highest frequency emotions. When we emit a low frequency, like Shame and Guilt, we drop into an ego-based mindset that emits and attracts negativity, stress, anxiety, and depression into our experience. 
As the masters of our domains – we literally define our own reality with each action, thought, and word. Frequency plays a huge roll in our everyday lives by attracting things and experiences into our field.  When our minds our cluttered, our frequency is typically cluttered. When others are judgmental, we tend to be as well. 
The words we choose reflects our inner state and simultaneously shape our external world. We also feel and act on other frequencies all the time. Increase your sensitivity to identify the subtle nuances and operate in your highest frequencies. Learn how you can radiate positivity with a higher frequency.


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