Life's Lessons from Golf's Lessons

I am an avid golfer, and yet I know that many of my readers are not. Please read further for some life analogies. 
Like life, a round of golf begins in easy optimism, progresses through some times of hope, and despair and is mingled with emotions, some confusion, and resignation. It is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. It is both rewarding and maddening” - Arnold Palmer. It utilizes multiple skills and abilities, and to be proficient it takes a lot of practice. Some of the mental practice with life and golf includes:

  1. Stay in the present – be mindful and reflective toward others and your environment.

  2. Every shot/task is a new challenge – think of the opportunity ahead of you.

  3. The past is past – how you respond in the moment is what is important. Failure or success are both wonderful learning opportunities.

  4. Never give up – No matter the practice at the driving range or the business range, the real game always surprises.

Life and Golf are paths to self-mastery. Not striving to be perfect, but the mastery of giving my best shot in each moment. Each new round/task I play mirrors my life, which allows me the opportunity to grow. Through both games I am learning to be the creator of my own reality as a person. I am learning to master my body, mind and emotions which will bring me into better harmony with myself and others.
I strive to be at peace and total acceptance no matter how I play. Learning to deal with the challenges whether in the rough or the fairway, the boardroom, or the office is growth. Challenging myself to be consistent in golf, is my same goal in how I live my life, run my businesses, show up in my relationships, deal with pressure. 
Even though we know what to do and we know, more or less, how to do it, we can still have a “bad moment/day”. It is in those moments/days when our resolve is challenged. Yet we are charged to move in acceptance of ourselves, others and our environment. 
Implementation of life or golf is always an issue. I can choose to recognize the situation in the moment. Reflect on it and either reframe it or rely on my skills and abilities. Then refocus and stay on target regardless of the situation. Reference the times you have succeeded before and celebrate in the moment those things that you can control. Need help in the 5R’s, let’s talk.


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