Let it Go!

Letting It Go
There is a song from the movie Frozen, with a wonderful message called: Let It Go Be the good girl you always have to be, Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know. 
Then she’s found out: Well, now they know. Let it go, let it go! 
Letting go can be so difficult, especially if you have held things inside for a long time and have put on a mask to hide it. Still, the freedom we all seek only comes when we can hold something loosely! When you find yourself holding something tightly, just look at your hand as you open it slowly. Use the words Let it Go – naming your it, reframing it in a positive phrase. Then refocus on the new phrase that you want to become. It’s OK to release whatever you are holding but remember it might take time to build your “Let it Go” anchor muscle.

There are many areas of our lives that we might need to let go. We each have between 50-70K thoughts per day, and 80% are negative and tomorrow 90% of our thoughts will be the same. So just letting go of our negative thoughts and creating new positive ones can make a huge difference. It may be that we have been hurt by others and need to forgive someone. Or it could be myriad of other incidents, traumas, or happenings throughout our lives. Here are some areas to explore:

  • Be gentle with yourself – watch critical self-talk and engage in self-care

  • Mindfully examine your negative thoughts

  • Create physical distance

  • Surround yourself with people who fill you up

  • Practice Mindfulness

  • Practice Meditation

Since I guide others in Mindfulness-Meditation, I encourage you to pursue them. Their benefits are abundant for emotional regulation, reduced stress, anxiety, better memory, and health. 
Mindfulness - a state of moment-to-moment awareness of one's experience without judgment. A self-regulating practice that focuses on training our attention and awareness to bring our mental processes under greater voluntary control.
Meditation - is strength training for your brain. It is reflection and helps us to build equanimity — or clear and balanced seeing — so that we can choose how to respond, rather than react to all that life throws you. It is the quickest way you can calm your mind and quiet negative thoughts.
Being able to Let Go of our thoughts, words and past actions can happen with some Mindfulness-Meditation tools and practices, and it is truly worth the effort.


Decisions - Decisions - Decisions


Deeper Level of Consciousness