Decisions - Decisions - Decisions

No matter who you are or what you do for a living, you make thousands of minor and some major decisions every day. Most are relatively inconsequential; for example, what do you want for breakfast? Others we fear could haunt us for the rest of our lives. 

Behind every decision, there are secret psychological factors that shape the way we think and act. Understanding these factors can make them easier to overcome and to allow us to make better, faster more calm decisions. Some common factors:

·      Cognitive bias - that's our tendency to think a certain way and not be open to others.

·      Anchoring bias - relying too heavily on the first thing we hear.

·      Choice overload – when we have too many options. One study found our brain tires after 70 decisions.

·      Decision fatigue - happens when we're forced to make multiple decisions one after another.

·      Indecision - can stem from anxiety and cause us to freeze emotionally.

·      Fear - of making the wrong decision inhibits some people.

·      Worry - about making a mistake and feeling guilty, remiss, exposed, or ignorant is common.

·      Hurting or alienating others - can be paralyzing.

A new study from the University of Texas shows when we are tired, instead of referencing our knowledge, our brains focus on specific, detailed memories.

Regardless of the magnitude of the decision, our brains make it hard for us to keep the perspective we need to make good choices.

Studies asking retired people what they would do differently:

1.     They wish they hadn’t made decisions based on what other people think. 

2.     They wish they hadn’t worked so hard. 

3.     They wish they had expressed their feelings. 

4.     They wish they had stayed in touch with their friends. 

5.     They wish they had let themselves be happy. 

My work is around performance and decision making. I show clients how to do brain laundry – to separate their lights from their darks to attain greater performance, make better decisions and enjoy a brighter day. I allow clients to defrag their mind so they can perform better, faster and calmer and make better decisions. I show how to initiate the change within.


Mental Health Month


Let it Go!