Mind like Garden

How does your mind/garden grow?

There are a lot of similarities between gardening and your mind. How does your mind/garden grow? Some things to reflect on about gardening and your mind.

Gardening Your Mind
Pulling your weeds Removing limiting beliefs

Pruning overgrown plants Gaining Control, Certainty, Connection

Not watering enough Hydrating our bodies

Not fertilizing properly Proper nutrients, exercise, and sleep

Talking to your plants Removing negative self-talk

Being inconsistent in attention Being inconsistent in intension

Feng Shui in your environment Syncing your Mind

Tilling the soil Addressing mind clutter

Clearing decay and debris Clearing decay and debris

Planting quality seeds Planting quality thoughts

“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” Liberty Hyde Bailey

I have had many people ask who my ideal client is. I state, that it is the person who will expend the effort to change the cause of what is preventing them from being their best self.

We think of exercise as something we do by getting our bodies moving. Gardening the mind/body connection is the fastest way to gain the results you desire in both your mind and body. Are we expecting an outstanding harvest without knowing how to expend the effort we need to address the cause of our lack of yield from our mind?




Mental Health Month