Gratitude the gift that keeps on giving!

We’ve all felt burnout, stress, and other emotions at work. It happens, and it’s natural. However, holding onto these emotions for too long – no matter how warranted they may be – can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health.

So, what can we do? Gratitude has been well documented in its long-term effects and changes to our brain, our mental health, and our social and professional relationships.

The first ½ hour of your day is your most important time of your day! It’s because it’s the time that you can have the greatest effect on changing your subconscious, limiting beliefs and habits that don’t fit who you were truly destined to be. Your brain waves at this time correspond to your subconscious’s waves providing greater, easier communication to it and therefore change.

Please don’t do anything digital in the first half hour! Instead, follow the acronym TIME:

  • T= Thanksgiving (the cousin of Gratefulness - is the feeling; thankfulness - is the act.

  • I = Inspiration – focus on what inspires you to grow.

  • M = Meditation – ponder the changes from your current you to your desired you.

  • E = Exercise – move your body 4x/week for 30 minutes.

Gratitude changes our brains. It trains your brain to more easily focus on positive, uplifting emotions such as thankfulness and joy, rather than envy or resentment. This will help your health and mindset each day and produce long-term effects.

Make gratitude a habit worked into your ongoing routine, not a one-and-done activity. Generally, the positive results of practicing gratitude regularly do not occur immediately but are gradually accrued over time.

  • Pay attention to the little things – if you can, make a list of three positives at the end of every workday.

  • Incorporate your coworkers – noticing and commenting on their accomplishments.

  • Write thank you notes – to clients, networking contacts, colleagues, etc. A simple note of thanks on a post-it, or through a text, can go a long way!

  • Create a special folder – each time you receive an email that makes you feel grateful, save it in a special folder.

Start practicing gratitude and guard your first ½ hour and see how your days will improve. Contact me for other tips.


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