Alleviating Stress

Alleviating Stress

We all strive to remain calm in today’s upside-down world. Yet, how do you remain calm and confident during the pressure of COVID, civil unrest, and changing business conditions? This is in addition to the ‘normal’ stressors of life.

The Mayo Clinic reflects that stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts, feelings, and your behavior. And they state that 9 of 10 doctor’s visits are stress related! Knowing how to cope and recognizing common stress symptoms can allow you to change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and take control over stress. Addressing the causes behind your stress can also influence its many disorders and the maladaptive behaviors that stem from it. Here are my top six stress reducers:

  • Diaphragmically Breathe – 4 sec. in through nose, 8 sec. out through mouth - 3x

  • Utilize my 5 R’s moment by moment – Recognize, Reflect, Reframe, Refocus, Reference

  • Prioritize Your TIME first ½ hour in the morning – Thanksgiving, Inspiration, Meditation, Exercise

  • Practice the 4 P’s: Be Positive, Stay Present Tense, Make it Personal and Practice often

  • Build regular 5-minute rest times into the workday 25-90/5.

  • Visualize and speak what you want, not what you don’t want.

We all have stress! Stress can help you meet daily challenges and can motivate you to reach your goals and accomplish tasks more efficiently. Stress is also a vital warning system, activated by your “always on Guard Duty - Amygdala” portion of your brain. It exists in each of your senses and is your fight-or-flight response. Neuroscience has shown that the three biggest issues around stress are: Lack of Control, Predictability and Progress
My definition of stress is ‘expectations on demands’. Look at your expectations and determine the underlying cause. Stay present and start changing the way you think can improve your physical health and well-being. Our mind certainly won't cure everything, but both in the short-term and long-term a healthy mindset is a key component to a healthy body.

What if we could identify the source of our stress and turn down our emotional response to it in the moment (with some simple guidance)? Contact us to find out more about our stress relief programs and “Lunch and Learn” sessions.


Pandemic impact on our minds…


Emotionally Charged Moments