Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Letting Go

Do you feel stuck? Is it challenging to make progress and to change habits?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Stuff You Probably Won’t Do

If someone promised you longer life, better health, more enjoyment in life would you, do it? We know most of this stuff. We know we should do a lot of stuff but “life gets in the way”, and we don’t make them a priority. Each of the following life practices are scientifically proven to improve us yet….

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

You Are SOOO Biased!

Bias can be found in all aspects of our lives, from our personal relationships to our professional careers. Bias can have a significant impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and it can lead to unfair treatment of others.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Becoming More!

Individual transformation is an internal shift that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. It means prioritizing and consciously developing our physical well-being, mental fitness, emotional health, and cognitive agility. And the quickest way is with guidance. It is very difficult to do on your own. Any aspect of growth — lies outside of our comfort zone. In order to have something new, we often have to say goodbye to what we already have.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Is Calm Possible?

Do certain people or situations trigger a response in you and make it difficult for you to keep your cool?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Changing to Become your Future

I love the story of Michelangelo when he was asked about how he sculped the statue of David. He stated, “I chipped away the parts that weren’t necessary.” If only we could do that for ourselves! Now, there is a way… MindSync MindStretch Mastermind Groups! To become who you want to be means chipping away things that aren’t necessary!

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

 Letting Go

Do you feel stuck? Is it challenging to make progress and to change habits?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Are Your Employees Well?

Leaders face many concerns while attempting to run a successful business. Although they know that employee wellness is an important issue many small businesses, which account for the majority of all employees, generally don’t focus on the area of wellness.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Are Your Words In Trouble?

I’ve written blogs on Trash Talk before. Trash Talk is the language we use to limit ourselves from achieving.  I want to take it up a notch because I am seeing a vast expansion of mental health issues, and it starts with our thoughts and our words expressing them.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Master your Mind!

Many of us spend a lot of time, energy, and money taking care of our bodies and trying to keep ourselves looking and feeling our best. But less attention on the mind. Many think of the mind as something outside of our own control. Yet, our life is the creation of our mind. But the unruly mind can be trained to overcome its constant fluctuations to achieve stillness, and more effective and efficient. 

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

A Misunderstood Skill

This incredible skill fosters closeness and trust. In the workplace has been shown as the root of authentic leadership and meaningful connections. It is the ability to express and expose, in words and behavior, who we really are and what we genuinely think and feel. It tells the others you're with that you trust them. It allows you to truly get to know each other: how you think, what you value, and what you aspire to.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Random acts of Kindness

Those of us who practice kindness and compassion experience clear benefits to our well-being and happiness. We may even live longer. Kindness also helps reduce stress and improve our emotional well-being. It can also produce a wonderful loop of happiness by increasing extra serotonin in both the giver and receiver of the kindness act. Serotonin aids in mood regulation, social behavior, memory, and other important brain functions.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Anxiety or Stress

We all have anxious and stressful moments but today many are operating in high functioning anxiety mode. It is a form of anxiety that you won’t get diagnosed with, but is similar to generalized anxiety, and also involves gastro symptoms, headaches, panic attacks, racing thoughts and so on. It is essentially a way of coping that pushes you to become harder and faster, which often leads to perfectionism, people-pleasing, and burnout.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Living on purpose

Living on purpose means doing what truly matters to you in alignment with your values and beliefs. I can't tell you what that means for you, but you know it when you feel it — and when you don't. When you aren't being you, you're bored and busy at the same time, always tired.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Celebrating the Past

How can you quickly achieve a better attitude and presence? By focusing on the fifth pillar of my 5 R’s - Reference. Reference is defined as the action of alluding to or the use of a source of information in order to ascertain something. So, how do we use this for our mind?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz


I’m getting away for a while to Refocus. Refocus is the fourth pillar of  my 5R’s of Good Decisions. It is imperative for your brain and your body to rest and recover just as taking a five-minute break every 60 to 90 minutes will increase your productivity. It is important for our mental health to get away for rest and recuperation.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Get Real

The last three years have been tough. For some it has been the best of times and others the worst of times.  We attempt to project an image, but how are you doing really? Are you able to be optimistic or if someone pulled back the curtain is it all a masquerade?  Ask yourself if the image I project my real image or is it what I feel others expect?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Think About It

Reflect: To observe—ponder/meditate on and be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and environment.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

The Silver Bullet - Recognize

We all look for the silver bullet in the tasks that we do. Part of the issue is a brain thing – your brain is lazy and attempts to simplify and automate each action. It burns less energy. Whether it is a new hire or initiatives, of ideas we search for one that will solve everything. Or we repeat a process that might not be the best for the current situation.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Happy New Year???

This is the time when many write New Year’s Resolutions.

In 2022 only 23% of survey participants (DiscoverHappyHabits) planned on making new year’s resolutions - down from 41% in 2016.

The most popular resolutions for 2022 were: living healthier (23%), personal improvement and happiness (21%), and losing weight (20%).

Reasons for failing – unrealistic goals, didn’t measure, forgot, had too many.

Lack of mindset and skills.

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