Are Your Words In Trouble?

I’ve written blogs on Trash Talk before. Trash Talk is the language we use to limit ourselves from achieving.  I want to take it up a notch because I am seeing a vast expansion of mental health issues, and it starts with our thoughts and our words expressing them.

According to Newberg and Walman’s book, a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress. Positive words strengthen and stimulate the motivational centers of the brain. Negative words can have an opposite effect, increasing the activity in our amygdala, releasing stress-producing hormones which affects both our own performance and the performance of others.

Although we have always known it intuitively, science has confirmed the tremendous power our words have on ourselves, communities, and the world. The words we speak not only reflect but shape our thoughts, and our thoughts shape the physical structure of our brains. This is how our body operates.

The words we use — and how we use them — matter immensely because they shape the way we perceive our world and participate within it. We are deluged with words through text messages, status updates, and the endless carousel of advertisements and news stories on our phones and computers. 

Proverbs tells us that, “the tongue has the power of life and death.” 

 Author Yehuda Berg states, Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity… Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble. The words we choose and how we use them can build others up or tear them down; bring the community together or rip it apart.”

The greatest mistake we can make is believing our words have no value in our own or other people’s lives. We come home and say “I am exhausted”. And your subconscious says, “I guess you have this covered”. So, you remain in that state. An emotionally charged feeling lasts 7 seconds in our brain but can last as long as you choose in your body.

Mindfulness means giving careful consideration and thought to how your words could impact others and yourself.

How are you or your team Trash Talking yourselves? Learn more about how is it affecting your business.


Are Your Employees Well?


Master your Mind!