Get Real

The last three years have been tough. For some it has been the best of times and others the worst of times.  We attempt to project an image, but how are you doing really? Are you able to be optimistic or if someone pulled back the curtain is it all a masquerade?  Ask yourself if the image I project my real image or is it what I feel others expect?

If you were to check your attitude, where would it be on a scale of 1-10?

The mark of the man is how he responds to situations. You're not going to avoid tough times. We're all over the barrel some of the time. What are you going to do about it? Martin Short

The answer that I have found is discovering and living by my true values and purpose. Have you defined your real purpose – the reason for your personal existence? We develop our vision and set our goals, yet are either of them truly attainable if not organized around our purpose?

To enjoy work, relationships, and life itself imagine working at odds with your purpose in life. Jack Canfield calls it his “right livelihood”. How many of us have veered off in a direction that is keeping us on a treadmill, and yet we do not know how to return from Neverland?

How many of us can say we don’t need motivation because we are living our highest values and our purpose, and they are our motivation? We state that we are optimistic in our work and personal life we are doing what we love to do. We contend that our life is ‘real’ and not just going through the motions.

There is a lot written about how we can lead a good life. One of my favorites is provided from a speech Three Ways to Stay On Track - by Lou Holtz.

a.     Do what is right – with a great attitude

b.     Provide excellence – Don’t blame somebody else

c.     Show people you care – how can I  

Great advice yet if you are not operating by your true purpose, is it enough? Discover the why behind everything you do. Discover, and live by your real purpose.




Think About It