Living on purpose

Living on purpose means doing what truly matters to you in alignment with your values and beliefs. I can't tell you what that means for you, but you know it when you feel it — and when you don't. When you aren't being you, you're bored and busy at the same time, always tired.

Some ways to begin to find your purpose:

  1. Develop a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset is linked to having a sense of purpose.

  2. Create a purpose statement from your highest values.

  3. Give back.

  4. Practice gratitude.

  5. Explore your passions.

  6. Be part of a community.

  7. Spend time with people who inspire you.

Some describe living my purpose as loving what you do so much you don’t look at it as a job or a task whether it is business or personal. You feel calm. There's a sense of relaxation and focus when you're living your purpose. You can just feel that you're doing the right thing and living your life the way it was meant to be lived. There's a peace that comes from living your purpose that's hard to describe until you experience it yourself.

Others have described it as being in the Zone, or Flow or ZOF – Zone of Function. It’s that time when you are in a mental state of focused concentration. It’s where your performance on the activity, and usually your productivity, are dissociated from the distracting or irrelevant aspects of your environment.

Studies have proven that people with a clear sense of purpose in life live longer than those who continue with a life without purpose. People with their life purpose well-defined were able to tolerate more pain and also had a lesser risk of heart diseases.

How do you find your purpose?

When you learn how to manage your mind correctly, you can regrow and change to improve the health of your brain and body. This path of change means we’re to leave our old selves behind. As we change, we continually shed layers – thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that no longer serve us. We learn to:

• Live Your Values

• Control Thoughts/Emotions

• Achieve your Goals
• Reclaim your Voice

• Increase in Self-Love, Focus and Motivation
• Manage Stress
• Release Limiting Beliefs and Patterns
• Make Better, Faster, more Confident Decisions

• Change Limiting Beliefs


Want to learn how, contact me.


Anxiety or Stress


Celebrating the Past