The Silver Bullet - Recognize

We all look for the silver bullet in the tasks that we do. Part of the issue is a brain thing – your brain is lazy and attempts to simplify and automate each action. It burns less energy. Whether it is a new hire or initiatives, of ideas we search for one that will solve everything. Or we repeat a process that might not be the best for the current situation.

Silver bullets are enticing and exciting. The origin of the silver bullet was its what it took to kill a werewolf. What werewolf are you trying to kill? Or is it just the latest and greatest item that will hold the key to our success item? These are generally ways to solve symptoms rather than addressing the true cause of an issue.

‘Success’ is best achieved through small shots rather than the single bullet. Chunking our focus can be an excellent silver bullet solution. It is by doing those small, simple acts efficiently where we can propel our process and open the door to success in all other actions. And each efficient act can be our success.

I have created a process that has been proven to work as a silver bullet solution with all decisions. My 5 R’s C Of Good Decisions - Recognition, Refection, Reframing, Refocus, Reference. Each step allows you to be intentional, focused, and deliberate, therefore arriving at better, faster more confident decisions. I will focus on the first element of change - Recognition.

Recognize –

·      Mindfulness - Become hyperaware in the moment – our subconscious controls 90+% of our actions. To change anything, we must be aware that something needs changing. The great majority have taken the blue pill from the matrix and continue in blissful ignorance, never examining our world. We accept the limits and numbness of the cocoon we have chosen.

·      Being present in each moment with each person/task. 

·      Learning from your environment, change the things that you can that are keeping you from growing.

·      Research, ID, Examine Data that supports and is contrary to your beliefs.

·      Keep a journal of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

·      Focus on what you want, not on fixing the things that are not working.

This is the first of my bullet proof 5R’sc. Let’s talk to see how it can be improved.


Think About It


Happy New Year???