Random acts of Kindness

Those of us who practice kindness and compassion experience clear benefits to our well-being and happiness. We may even live longer. Kindness also helps reduce stress and improve our emotional well-being. It can also produce a wonderful loop of happiness by increasing extra serotonin in both the giver and receiver of the kindness act. Serotonin aids in mood regulation, social behavior, memory, and other important brain functions.

We all have so much going on in our lives with all the strains and stresses of everyday life that sometimes pushes kindness to one side, in favor of what is urgent now. But by taking the time to be kind to others, we can benefit from emotional upsides. It really does make a difference, especially for people who are vulnerable or struggling.

Kindness is choosing to do something which often means putting other people’s needs before our own. It could be a large or small act. Here is a TV commercial demonstrating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHtzsvKKB9E

Here are some benefits to our brains and bodies:

  • Kind people stress less.

  • Kindness can give us more energy.

  • Kindness can relieve pain.

  • Kindness is good for the heart.

  • Kindness is contagious.

Performing acts of kindness releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, which increases self-esteem and optimism. This, along with decreased levels of cortisol, helps reduce stress and anxiety and can lift your mood. Plus, it boosts serotonin and dopamine which are neurotransmitters in the brain that give you feelings of satisfaction and well-being and cause the pleasure/reward centers in your brain to light up.

We don't learn kindness by sitting and watching others. We learn by practicing it by exercising compassion, empathy, sympathy, and forgiveness.

Each act of kindness is changing the way we see ourselves and others, as well as how others see us. Practicing Mindfulness or being more aware is the way to grow. Open your eyes and be active when you see people in need. 

You’ll have to set boundaries and remove yourself from toxic situations. Being kind to everyone you meet might help them fight a battle you know nothing about.

 Just launched a new podcast with John Hagerman an incredible storyteller tune in through www.thresholdofbrillance.com be sure to listen.



A Misunderstood Skill


Anxiety or Stress