Is Calm Possible?

Do certain people or situations trigger a response in you and make it difficult for you to keep your cool?

Equanimity is mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper especially in a difficult situation. Learning to not be emotionally reactive when you feel undermined or attacked takes training and a lot of restraint and practice. 

Achieving equanimity requires keeping the concept in your conscious mind and staying present in the moment — especially when you feel a reaction kicking in. And often people will push your buttons intentionally hoping to provoke a reaction. We all have a few people who are really good at pushing our buttons and getting under our skin.

Some ways to achieve equanimity:

1.     Deep belly (diaphragmic) breathing - Focus on your breathing and neutral things while counting backwards from ten and then coaching yourself.

2.     Take control of your Amygdala - the fight-or-flight response that kicks in and creates that rush of adrenaline and cortisol.

3.     Use my acronym T.I.M.E. (Thanksgiving, Inspiration, Meditation, Exercise) the first half-hour of your day.

4.      Join my MindS t r e t c h Mastermind group this September. MindStretch is about choosing a path with others to maximize yourself! MindStretch is a mastermind group designed to grow and expand your thinking, pursue greater personal growth and truly Master your Mind!

I know that keeping your cool when someone really pushes your buttons takes a ton of discipline and mindfulness. Learning how to practice equanimity takes work, but it is always in everyone's best interest.

Many studies have shown that mindfulness-meditation can rewire your brain. Take a few minutes be more mindful of the learning experience behind each moment of your day, every day, to sit quietly.

Doing this literally rewires your brain by engaging neural connections. Yes, it takes mental toughness to be nice sometimes. Especially when others attack or judge you. Mindfulness-Meditation has a measurable outcome. This concept encompasses multiple components, some of which may be better realized as we achieve equanimity. Want to gain greater control of your life and an unshakable mindset? Discover more about MindS t r e t c h Mastermind groups.



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