Becoming More!

Individual transformation is an internal shift that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. It means prioritizing and consciously developing our physical well-being, mental fitness, emotional health, and cognitive agility.  And the quickest way is with guidance. It is very difficult to do on your own.  Any aspect of growth — lies outside of our comfort zone. In order to have something new, we often have to say goodbye to what we already have.

The surest route to human transformation is through connecting with others. This is because we are social creatures. People around us inspire us by showing us what we can become. Change requires:

  • High degree of trust, innovation, and creativity.

  • A strong sense of ownership, transparency with self and others.

  • Clear communication, authenticity, and courage. 

·       Developing an unshakable mindset, one where you experience situations with curiosity rather than life’s circumstances controlling you.

·       Gaining self-awareness, reliving your limiting beliefs, or having feelings like not being enough or being able to change?

Yet, while we might desire to change, life seems to get in the way, and the transformation many desire goes to the wayside no matter how much we want it.

·       Making the unfamiliar familiar takes discipline and a change in mindset. If you cannot see, or have never felt the desired effect, your mind keeps pulling you back to what is familiar.

  • Imagination is more powerful than knowledge, we over think.

  • Changing your subconscious beliefs requires a replacement of those old beliefs because conflicting beliefs cancel each other out.

  • If our beliefs are tied to emotions, the emotions must be delt with first.

  • 50+% of our perceptions and memories are not truth.

  • Internal and external motivations are needed to stay on track.

Becoming our authentic self requires rewiring of our thoughts, feelings and actions which could be tied to multiple habits. We all carry limiting beliefs that have been encoded and stored in our subconscious and keep calling us back. Without having a clear mind and an understanding of how we can go about making changes, it becomes extremely difficult to do.

One of the best and quickest methods to achieve transformation is by participating in our Mindstretch Mastermind peer groups. Developed to ignite A Disciplined Mindset and to gain greater Control of Your Life.

Want to learn more about our transformative practices in the coming year? Let’s talk about making 2023/24 a year of great change.



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