Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Identifying Blind-Spots

I have heard so many say, that if I am blind to something in myself how can I identify blind spots?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

What About Me?

Have you ever felt: Exhausted - that life has been taken over by work and the chaos in the country? That it seems impossible to be present for the people you love. That life is passing you by. That if you keep going like this, you'll hit a breaking point. You'll either burn out or burn down.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

From Thankfulness to Gratitude

I would like to challenge you to move beyond the day and go from Thankfulness to Gratefulness. The two words – thankful and grateful are tossed about this week, and yet they have different meanings.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Am I Satisfied?

Most of us would state, if being honest, that there are things in our lives that are less than satisfactory. Of course, with anything we must put satisfaction in context as well as put it on a scale – 1-10. There are degrees of satisfaction, and then there are the facts. Consistency is the key, and the number of minor successes produces much more satisfaction than occasionally bagging that big one.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Wakeup Call!

Two weeks ago, I almost died! What started as a kidney stone, developed into infection (Sepsis) which spread throughout my body. My body and mind were shutting down. I received excellent care, and the wakeup call will change my life forever.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

What is your frequency?

Nikola Tesla said, ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’. 

Energy is all around and in us. When we resonate at the right frequency it affects our body, feelings, and emotions. Think of songs that bring harmony or to discord your mind and body. We recognize vibrations in others and others recognize it in us. However, many do not know how to better align our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions to a life we truly desire.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Good Vibrations

Nikola Tesla said, ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’. 

Energy is all around and in us. When we resonate at the right frequency it affects our body, feelings, and emotions. Think of songs that bring harmony or to discord your mind and body. We recognize vibrations in others and others recognize it in us. However, many do not know how to better align our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions to a life we truly desire.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Are You Healing?

Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives. Unknown

One of the greatest lessons I have learned with Mind Health and Wellness is that our minds generally seek five things: control, certainty, connectedness, safety, and progress. These are also the underlying causes of stress due to our expectations on our demands. I have found that meditating on these three things can be very healing – compassion, gratitude and forgiveness each has an incredible healing affect.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Why So Negative?

Some of the blogs that I write are inadequate to fully cover a topic. Generalizing about a topic like Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) can diminish the emotions like anxiety, sadness, frustration, guilt, anger, or unworthiness that can stem from it. So, I am following up my last blog with some personal examples and specifics. For those of you who don’t suffer from this malady, please consider seeing me 😊.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

How Well is Your Workplace?

Our physical health is often something taken for granted - until we lose it. But what about mental health? It is just starting to be addressed in the workplace through increased awareness and programs. And yet, Mental health is felt to affect up to one in four people each year.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz


Frank Sinatra croons in his song “My Way”: Regrets, I've had a few, But then again too few to mention I did what I had to do, I saw it through without exemption, I planned each charted course... Most of us wish we could sing this song but planning and seeing things through without exemption are regrets many have had.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Don’t Worry Be Happy

When I was getting my certification in Workplace Wellness, I saw just how broad the subject is. Everything from mental health, nutrition, sleep, happiness, exercise, mindset, stress management, mindfulness, meditation, the environment and how it ties together.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

What Have I Gotten Into?

When I started my adventure in mind health, I had little idea the depth it would take me. Or how powerful the mind is and all the aspects that affect our thought processes that add or take away from its effectiveness. No idea that I would have to study nutrition, exercise, language, how we think, and even our environment and how that effects our mind’s health. Today my focus is on nutrition.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Mental Health Intention?

In a world where “business” has been equated to success, where we are taught to value the external over the internal, and where mental health issues are at an all-time high, perhaps it time to become intentional about mental health!

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Mental Health

Small businesses encompass everything from solopreneur to $40M, and from 1-1500 employees. A third say they are too busy to even think about supporting mental health in their workplace though 1 in 5 workers say they have been treated for mental health (CDC). There is no escaping the fact that running a small business is one of the most stressful things you can possibly do.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

How to Gain Calm

Are there certain people or situations that trigger a response in you and make it difficult for you to keep your cool?

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Balance in Life

There is a lot written on work/life balance but how does it really affect us? The pressure of an increasingly demanding work culture has become a big challenge to society’s mental health issues. Plus, a healthy work-life balance can mean different things to each of us. It’s about making sure you feel fulfilled and content in all areas of your life. It was certainly thrown off balance during the pandemic. While productivity went up with the remote workforce, so did some mental health issues.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz


The definition of being judgmental is having or displaying an excessively critical point of view. We've all been there--confronted by a situation that simply should be different. Someone has clearly done something wrong, and the result is terrible. It is at this time that we have a choice. silent and listen are comprised of the same letters yet in times of chaos and stress are seldom our first reactions.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz


Your expectations, more than anything else in life, determine your reality. When it comes to achieving your goals, if you don’t believe you’ll succeed, you won’t.

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Brad Lantz Brad Lantz

Mind like Garden

How does your mind/garden grow?

There are a lot of similarities between gardening and your mind. How does your mind/garden grow? Some things to reflect on about gardening and your mind.

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