Wakeup Call!

Two weeks ago, I almost died! What started as a kidney stone, developed into infection (Sepsis) which spread throughout my body. My body and mind were shutting down. I received excellent care, and the wakeup call will change my life forever.

I have been blessed, and I have enjoyed a very healthy life. I have had a few bumps along the road, but I have mistakenly felt I was invincible and would live forever (I think it is a guy thing). My lovely wife forced me to go to the hospital.

What would it take for you to have a wakeup call? And what would you change?

We all experience transitions throughout our lives — big and small, planned, and unplanned.

Mine has me (re)examining:

·      Am I satisfied with who I am?

·      Have I assessed my current self and developed a plan for my future self?

·      What are my core values and purpose, and am I living by them?

·      What are my limiting beliefs, and have I really addressed them?

·      Am I happy/positive and do I share those characteristics with others?

·      Am I practicing self-care with intention?

·      Am I constantly learning and growing?

·      Do I really address and express my feelings?

·      Have I developed a plan to overcome each of the elements above?

Life changing events can cause us to re-examine our present sense of who we are.  Or we can choose to continue to react (or not react)!  We are resistant to change.  Most of us like predictability in our everyday lives. The unknown causes us fear and stress.  We feel vulnerable. There can be a sense of grief or loss.  

However, changes, especially difficult changes, can promote personal growth. Dealing with a change successfully can leave a person stronger, more confident, happier, and better prepared for what comes next in life.  We all have a choice whether to make that transition now or wait for that wakeup call or continue our routine lives.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will. Romans 12:2 It starts with the mind!

Life transitions are challenging because they can force us to let go of the familiar and face the future with a feeling of vulnerability.

Let’s accelerate your transition by learning my 5 Rs.


Am I Satisfied?


What is your frequency?