Am I Satisfied?

Most of us would state, if being honest, that there are things in our lives that are less than satisfactory. Of course, with anything we must put satisfaction in context as well as put it on a scale – 1-10. There are degrees of satisfaction, and then there are the facts. Consistency is the key, and the number of minor successes produces much more satisfaction than occasionally bagging that big one.

In a world where “more” and “better” are so often emphasized, it can be tough to just be satisfied with what you’ve got. There’s a lot of pressure to have the perfect relationships, the most expensive material items, and a life that appears to be in order. 

But feeling satisfied can improve your mental wellbeing too.  And when you’re feeling good in general, your mind and body will follow. Being satisfied improves your mental wellbeing and the physical benefits are impressive too! When all is well in our brains, it sends signals throughout your body. Some benefits are:

  • Improved mood

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Increased attentiveness and focus

  • Boost in productivity

  • Spark of creativity

  • Improved analytical skills

  • More good thoughts

  • Increased motivation

Is being satisfied and happy the same thing? Happiness is being happy IN your life. Satisfaction is being happy ABOUT your life. Satisfaction is the result, while happiness is generally a in the moment process. Contentment is based on reason, while happiness comes from our heart or feelings.

When we’re satisfied, our brains release the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin (AKA, happy hormones) that make us feel really good. When your mind is at ease, guess what? Your body follows suit!

Some things that can increase life satisfaction:

·      Being connected to a community of like-minded people

·      Giving to others

·      Mentoring a young person

·      Writing the story of your successes

·      Feeling optimistic about the future

·      Having and acting on your goals and purpose

Have I assessed my current self and developed a plan for my future self? Being satisfied is a learned trait. Want to attain satisfaction with all its benefits? Let me know when you want to start.


From Thankfulness to Gratitude


Wakeup Call!