From Thankfulness to Gratitude

We have arrived at a week where we are to celebrate thankfulness. Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and many will be gathering with family, eating too much, and discussing our lives.

I would like to challenge you to move beyond the day and go from Thankfulness to Gratefulness. The two words – thankful and grateful are tossed about this week, and yet they have different meanings.

 Thankfulness is a Reaction when something good or exciting happens. It is easy to be thankful, yet it is fleeting. We appreciate the warm feelings that come with gifts, happy news, or a special day. Yet, thankfulness involves how we feel in the moment. It is a temporary emotional response, and like all feelings, eventually, it fades.

 It is important to celebrate thankfulness when something good happens. However, thankfulness is not enough to keep us in a positive mindset. Setbacks and things that we are most certainly ungrateful for will always interfere with our thankfulness. Because of this, we must rely on other ways to maintain a positive attitude by expressing gratitude. 

Gratitude is a Chosen State of Being, an attitude of appreciation under whatever circumstance. Gratitude involves being thankful, but it is more. Gratitude means expressing thankfulness and being appreciative of life daily even when nothing exciting happens. It is about being content physically and mentally with the state of your life. You may not always be happy, but you can still practice gratitude.

Gratitude deepens our inner connections-Thankfulness is external expressing our present interaction. We feel thankful when we practice gratitude. Gratitude improves our long-term relationship with our inner voice to stay positive and remain appreciative in all circumstances. 

Although gratitude and thankfulness are closely related, gratitude provides you with a longer-lasting feeling of satisfaction and improved well-being. Research has shown that practicing gratitude is proven to offer many benefits. 

·      Enhances positive emotion

·      Improves relationships

·      Reduces blood pressure

·      Boosts the immune system

·      Improves mental health

·      Increases self-esteem

·      Enhances optimism

·      Improves sleep

So, be thankful for those you are with and for what you have but seek gratitude to express your attitude and change your life. Contact me for a guided tour.


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