What is your frequency?

Nikola Tesla said, ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’. 

Energy is all around and in us. When we resonate at the right frequency it affects our body, feelings, and emotions. Think of songs that bring harmony or to discord your mind and body. We recognize vibrations in others and others recognize it in us. However, many do not know how to better align our beliefs, thoughts, and emotions to a life we truly desire.

“Everything in life is vibration.” – Albert Einstein

Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency and each of us has our own unique vibrational frequency. Everything is sorted by our high or low vibrations. We tend to go where we fit in! The principles of harmony and discordance also apply, think of a time when someone was out of accord in a group setting, we can describe as “out of tune”.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate - Carl Jung.

We are conditioned by other people’s ideas of right and wrong and when they interfere with our decision making, putting us in a position where we can’t reach our full potential, We call it fate. Destiny is when we free ourselves of the fears of our and other people’s perceptions and allow ourselves to live our full potential. Our destiny frequency is where our Subconscious mind rewires to create a positive amplification of your authentic self.

Want proof of our thoughts and emotions effect? The experiments of Dr. Emoto, where water was subjected to different emotional vibrations — where feelings like gratitude produced exquisite water crystals whilst derogatory insults produced an ugly mess—have perhaps come the closest to proving this physically.

There is a destiny for you. A fulfillment of your purpose. By attaining aa higher frequency. Where our bodies vibrate at a different frequency and create our own "special song". Some tips:

1.     Use the TIME acronym in the first half hour of your day: Thankfulness, Inspiration, Meditation and Exercise

2.     Practice compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness for yourself and others

3.     Practice Mindfulness-Meditation daily

4.     Eat High-Vibe Food

5.     Make being present, positive, personal a habit

6.     Be intentional on personal growth – read, writing, action

7.     Focus on high vibe relationships

Do you know how to change your frequency in the moment?


Wakeup Call!


Good Vibrations