Mental Health

Small businesses encompass everything from solopreneur to $40M, and from 1-1500 employees. A third say they are too busy to even think about supporting mental health in their workplace though 1 in 5 workers say they have been treated for mental health (CDC). There is no escaping the fact that running a small business is one of the most stressful things you can possibly do.

The top 10 Challenges for Small Business Owners

·      Lack of Funds

·      Lack of Time

·      Trouble finding and retaining good Employees

·      Sourcing and Supply Chain

·      Training

·      Difficulties balancing Growth and Quality

·      Communications

·      Loneliness

·      A faulty Infrastructure or Business Model

·      Unsuccessful Marketing Initiatives

According to the Gallup Wellbeing Index, 45% of entrepreneurs report being stressed and 42% of their workers. In another study, 40% indicated extreme stress and burnout was 46%. Whatever the percentages, they are wreaking havoc in the marketplace. Each creates an immense impact on the productivity the physical body and mental health is not handled appropriately (American Psychological Association). (Indeed) found that employee burnout is on the rise: 52% of all workers are feeling burned out, up +9% from a pre-COVID survey. Employees of all ages and types are experiencing the impact of stress, fatigue, and mental health challenges.

Poor mental health and stress negatively affects employees to the tune of $67B yearly lost revenue:

·      Job performance and productivity.

·      Engagement with one’s work.

·      Communication with coworkers.

·      Physical capability and daily functioning.

What’s a leader to do?

·      Track stressors – keep a journal for two weeks to identify which situations create the most stress and how you respond to them. Record your thoughts, feelings, environment, and actions.

·      Educate people to make healthy choices – fighting stress with fast food and alcohol is not the best choice. Exercise five times per week (60% strength and 40% aerobic). Get good quality 7-9 hours of sleep. Take a five-minute mind break every 90 minutes (no digital).

·      Disconnect and establish work/life boundaries – read non-fiction, participate in a hobby, take mini-vacations, and REALLY relax.

·      Learn Mindfulness-Meditation, Breathwork, and learn something new each day.

·       Talk to leadership. The boss has an incentive to create a work environment that promotes employee well-being.

·      Get support: Much of stress relief is tied to changing limiting beliefs and habits.

Call for a FREE half-hour chat on other ways to address stress and mental health in your company.


Mental Health Intention?


How to Gain Calm