Living Well Longer
Living a long life isn't simply about the number of years, but about the quality of those years. We have the power to significantly improve our life span and experience a more fulfilling existence by addressing our physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being now.
Change. Such a powerful word! Harvey McKay stated that: “The only one who likes change is a baby when you change its diaper.” It's even a word that, when talked about, can trigger emotions, from new beginnings to the anxiety of the uncertainty or “if only”.
When it comes to control, the lines can get blurry between control, influence, and things to work towards.
The Leader’s Mind
As I prepare to give a talk at the Next Level Networking meeting on The Leader’s Mind, I was reminded of why I got into the Mind Health field. I worked with and called on C-Level leaders for years and led and coached CEO’s in peer groups. Yet, I was always amazed at the pervasiveness of issues of procrastination, perfectionism, imposture syndrome and general indecision that they carried. Don’t get me wrong. These leaders had great skills and abilities and were running growing companies. However, most knew they were not accomplishing what they were truly capable of. They just didn’t know how to fix it.
To be frank, golfers aren't the only ones to hit it out of bounds at times. Entrepreneurs know all too well what it's like to have their ideas, plans, goals, and dreams "end up changing the outcome of their game." However, similar to maintaining swing discipline, it's equally as important for entrepreneurs to essentially step back up and deliver.
Most people can guess two of them. The one I am referring to improves physical health and mental health.
Letting Go
Why is it so difficult to let go of our past? We are creatures of habit. We grow accustomed to certain emotions, even negative ones, we don’t notice how they affect us on a daily basis. We don’t realize that we’re stuck. But our unique emotional habits have a profound influence on the way we look at life, the way we act and how good we are at moving on from our past.
What would you say are the most important skills in life? Of course, it depends on individual goals, circumstances, and values. AI lists those skills needed for personal development, interpersonal skills, professional skills, and some broad categories. All but one was a soft skill.
Gaining Your Voice
Do you feel safe in being you? Do you hold back on expressing that part of you that allows you to communicate authentically?
Thanksgiving vs Gratitude
We are in the week where so many families will give thanks and gratitude for what they have. I thought it would be good to add some context and a little more meaning to the words.
Merriam-Webster tells us that being grateful is a feeling of expressing gratitude while thankful means experiencing pleasure, satisfaction, or delight. Gratitude is Internal, Thanksgiving is External, Gratitude is Ongoing, Thanksgiving is Temporary, Gratitude is active, and Thanksgiving is passive.
Happy Holidays!
It is a time for people to be merry and bright. Yet, with the jam-packed social calendar, deadlines at work, the loss of a loved one, sunless winter days, political turmoil, and family dynamics or all of the above, it may not be very merry or bright for many.
What do you do with Anger?
Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. You could be angry at a specific person or event, or yourself. Memories of traumatic or other events can also trigger angry feelings.
The definition of being judgmental is having or displaying an excessively critical point of view. We've all been there--confronted by a situation that simply should be different. Someone has clearly done something wrong, and the result is terrible. It is at this time that we have a choice. silent and listen are comprised of the same letters yet in times of chaos and stress are seldom our first reactions.
Do you Trash Talk Yourself?
Self-compassion is the practice of being kind and understanding towards oneself, even when we make mistakes or experience setbacks. It is about recognizing that we are imperfect and that we deserve to be treated with kindness. This is especially true for ourselves.
Health and Your Brain
Despite accounting for only 2 percent of our body weight, the brain consumes an astounding 20 percent of our body’s energy. There are specific foods and dietary practices that can boost focus, memory, and mental performance. However, there are a lot of misperceptions out there.
A Change in Seasons
The change of seasons can be a time of transformation for our minds. Just as nature goes through cycles of growth and death, so too can our minds go through cycles of change and renewal. It is a perfect opportunity to create a more positive, open, and engaged mindset.
The Problem is not the Problem.
Steven Covey stated: “If the ladder is not leaning against the wrong wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.”
· 75% of your self-esteem was developed before age 8.
· 50% of your perceptions and memories are not the truth.
· We have 50-70 thousand thoughts per day, roughly 80% are negative and 90% will be the same thoughts tomorrow.
There is a battle raging in our minds.
On one side are Disruptors who wreck any attempt at increasing either your happiness or your performance.
Déjà vu all over again.
Our lives’ have predictable! We get out of bed, go to work, sleep, eat, and repeat. Most of us have thought about things that we say we want to change (lack of energy, sleep, frazzled emotions, stress, or you name it). We have made resolutions so many times in the past with no results that we have stopped setting them.
Changing to Become your Future
I love the story of Michelangelo when he was asked about how he sculped the statue of David. He stated, “I chipped away the parts that weren’t necessary.” If only we could do that for ourselves! Now, there is a way… MindSync MindStretch Mastermind Groups! To become who you want to be means chipping away things that aren’t necessary!