The Problem is not the Problem.

Steven Covey stated: “If the ladder is not leaning against the wrong wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.”

·      75% of your self-esteem was developed before age 8.

·      50% of your perceptions and memories are not the truth.

·      We have 50-70 thousand thoughts per day, roughly 80% are negative and 90% will be the same thoughts tomorrow.

So, what is the problem??? 

Most of our day we are playing/looping programs given to us by peers and authority figures from our past. Our perceptions have created those programs, and what we think about may in fact be just the opposite of what is true. We have created habits and patterns that have been written and encoded in our minds. So, when we view what we have perceived as a problem we are generally not addressing its cause.

So, what is the solution?

Each of us holds our solution to our problems, yet we must recognize them and then choose to change them. Most of us have become to desensitized to do anything about them. So, even if you think you have a problem, it is probably not your real problem. A colleague of mine has identified 21 different perspectives that we can carry. Neuroscientists have identified 150 biases that we could have. Even though the Seeds Model from NIH has grouped those into five different categories, we still would find it difficult to change our specific bias in the moment. Past failures, our fears and so many things that have gone on in our past that we believe are true and make it difficult to properly address our problems without a professional guide.

Real transformation only comes in discovering and shifting the perceived problem to the real problem.

Transformation is defined as: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.

I have found that without greatly reducing the real cause of the issues, those who attempt to define their values, purpose and goals cannot truly capture the essence of them. We must begin with the mind saboteurs that are preventing us all from optimizing our lives. Things like limiting beliefs, thoughts and habits that are built on untruths. To find out how to discover the real problems preventing you from living the life you deserve, contact me.


A Change in Seasons


There is a battle raging in our minds.