What is Imposter Syndrome?

Have you ever said:

  • What am I doing here?

  • Why did I try this?

  • I don’t belong.

  • I am not good enough.

  • I shouldn’t have been chosen for this, and sooner or later everyone’s going to find out.

Join the club. You are amongst 70% of people who suffer from Impostor Syndrome.

Impostor Syndrome is the feeling that you are undeserving and unworthy of …. You feel less intelligent, capable, or talented than you are. You believe that you will be exposed as a fraud.

Impostor Syndrome can be a major obstacle to achieving your goals, especially for women who tend to be more susceptible because they produce less testosterone aka the confidence hormone.

Reframe your thinking! To stop feeling like an impostor, you must stop thinking like an impostor. Some things to think about.

  1. Get Support - Have a good network where you can have open conversations about your challenges without feeling judged.

  2. Journal - Record all your wins and your losses and determine loops and patterns – read your resume.

  3. Forgive yourself - Mistakes/Learning Cycle happens. When the inevitable mistake happens ask yourself “what can I learn from this to help me to be better next time?”.

  4. Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. Vince Lombardi

  5. Get Excited - Your body doesn’t know the difference between feeling scared and feeling excited.

  6. Hire a Coach and/or Mentor - Working with a coach or mentor can help build your confidence and develop a positive mindset.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome takes time. You need to be focused and determined and follow through on making a lasting change. Build confidence on simple truths: you have talent; you are capable, and you belong.

Self-esteem is largely developed in the first seven years of our lives – rate it. Are you holding a limiting belief about yourself and your capabilities? ID them, label them, examine them and address them or get help with them. Are you feeding the black wolf or the white wolf in your mind? Focus on Actions not Results – the things that are the most important, and the things you can control.


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