What is Meditation?

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” Denis Waitley

As I read this statement, it rocked me. I wanted to dismiss it, to deny it, but it haunted me to think that it was true. The next decision was “How am I going to change?”

I realized I needed strength training for my brain a method to live in the present and allow clear and balanced ‘seeing’ to all that life had thrown my way. I needed to recognize that I have choice in all my responses. I needed to let go of potentially painful or untrue narratives about me and how I view others.

The most effective method is meditation! It is the fastest growing health trend in the US according to the CDC and is linked to many mental and physical health benefits:

  • Increases concentration and focus, happiness, kindness and compassion, resilience.

  • Decreases stress, pain, recovery time, distractibility, loneliness, anger.

  • Improves your immune system, memory and slows aging.

Many people have tried meditating and give up. Most say it is because they could not control their thoughts or quiet their mind. This is normal - initially. With practice, you will be able to focus your thoughts. Some things to try:

  1. Start with just 5 minutes build up time as you start improving your focus - find a quiet, comfortable space, sit in upright position with your feet on the floor and your hands resting on your legs. Close your eyes and take several deep diaphragmic breaths. When you find your mind wandering, which you will, gently bring your attention back to your breath.

  2. For calming - Body Scan - close your eyes and imagine a bright light entering the top of your head feel its warmth and then slowly imagine it going throughout each area of your body, clear down into your feet and into the ground below. Then have it return through each area of your body out the top o your head again.

  3. To change a Habit, pick a Topic - what is an area you really want in your life? Focus on it, imagine what it would look like feel like. Then observe each of your senses.

  4. To change a life script - Story Scan - journey throughout your life. Go through each decade of your life experiences and examine them.

The benefits of making meditation a daily practice can be amazing. However, anything self-taught will take longer. Being guided through the process is the quickest way to see progress. Contact me for a guided, recorded session to quickly learn how to acquire this amazing self-change process.


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