Do you have Popeye’s Thoughts?

“I yam who I am and that is all that I yam.” – Popeye

Your body reacts to your mindset -- right down to the genetic level! Improved thought habits can create the benefits you'll get in your body.

You can control things that have shaped your brain, programmed your cells, and caused certain genes to switch on. You have the power in this moment forward to choose your perspective and behavior which will change your brain, cells, and genes.

A 2017 Harvard Medical School Study showed that after meditating 15 minutes daily for eight weeks, the meditators had changes in 172 genes that control inflammation, sleep-wake rhythms in the body, and even how sugar was processed.

Every minute of every day your body is physically reacting, literally changing, in response to the thoughts that run through your mind. All your cells are replaced about every seven years. So, the good news is, you can reprogram your pessimistic cells to be more optimistic by adopting practices like mindfulness and gratitude with permanent life-long and life-changing results. And it doesn’t have to take seven years!

Your brain releases neurotransmitters, ‘chemical messengers’ that allow it to communicate with parts of itself and your nervous system. Neurotransmitters control virtually all your body’s functions from hormones to digestion to feeling happy, sad, or stressed.

Your Thoughts Activate Your Genes
This means that your biology doesn't spell your destiny, and you don’t have to be controlled by your genetic makeup. You are speaking to your genes with every thought you have. The fast-growing field of epigenetics is showing that who you are is the product of the things that happen to you in your life which change the way your genes operate. Genes are switched on or off depending on your life experiences, and your genes and lifestyle form a feedback loop.

You have a choice in determining whether you have Popeye thoughts - I yam who I yam. Or you can become what you have always desired. Contact me to find out how!


What is Meditation?


In the Pursuit of Happiness