Change that Lasts

If you want something you have never had, you have to do somethings you have never done! Stop the old! “I wish”, “I hope.” These are not plans! Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time Phased) goals to create new connections in your brain and then reinforce them – we do it for our business!

If you are wanting change in the coming year, start with small steps. New behaviors generally suck to start with. Few of us try something that is unfamiliar and like it right away, try:

  1. The new thing a few times just to get over the fear of it.

  2. It a little longer to begin to gain some skill in it—learn it.

  3. It multiple times to see if you START to like it. (Example: I am practicing juggling – it is one of the best brain exercises and eye/hand coordination tools one can do. I don’t like it because I am not good at it. But I am getting better.)

Keys to change:

  1. Consistency - 21 days to gain familiarity with it - 66 days to change the habit.

  2. Capability – build a strategy to do something new. (I will probably never be on stage juggling! It is sharpening my mind, it’s not a party trick.) YouTube shows you how to start juggling.

  3. Challenge the more you do it the struggles become skills, get to the other side to find your new purpose.

  4. Coach – depending on your priority a coach will be your guide to push you and hold you accountable. It is the best and fastest way to learn.

The challenges you choose, and your motivation can become your inspiration to begin rewiring your brain as you turn knowledge into influence. Change only comes when you take action and work at it. Take a before picture of your first actions to remind yourself how far you have come or perhaps get a challenge buddy to hold you accountable. Be mindful of your thoughts and self-criticism. They are killers to anything new. Now pick a topic and go for it!

January 1, I am starting a 66-day challenge (please join me on Instagram @MindSyncpro) where I will be using mindfulness and meditation to tackle each day’s challenge.


Stress Relief


Is this your year to Transform?