Is this your year to Transform?

“This year will be my year of transformation!” Many of us have said it or heard others say it, and yet life seems to get in the way, and the transformation we desired goes to the wayside. What is going on if so many people want it and yet it doesn’t materialize? Here are some things to consider:

  • Virtually all the things we want are outside our comfort zone—they are unfamiliar. Making them familiar takes discipline and a change in mindset. I.E. If wealth, happiness, love, and health weren’t familiar to you because of family background or history, it becomes even more difficult to change.

  • Our desire generally means we must accomplish a series of changes, and each change requires time and specific effort to address it.

  • Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. If you cannot see, or have never felt, the desired effect, your mind keeps pulling us back to what is familiar.

  • Changing your subconscious belief requires a replacement of that belief that is viewed as possible, has evidence and is expected.

  • Conflicting beliefs cancel each other out.

  • If our beliefs are tied to emotions that accompanied them the emotions must be delt with first.

  • Internal and external motivations are needed to stay on track.

For people to achieve transformation to their ideal, authentic self requires rewiring of our thoughts, feelings and actions which could be tied to multiple habits. Each may carry limiting beliefs and have been encoded and stored in our subconscious and keep calling us back.

Emotionally, people want to change their lives. They may take steps to do so, but without having a clear mind and an understanding of how they can go about making that change it becomes extremely difficult to do.

One of the best methods to achieve transformation is by using Mindfulness Meditation.

  • Mindfulness – being fully present – paying attention, living in the moment, and accepting yourself.

  • Meditation – to ponder - focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, feeling or activity which achieves a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

Want to learn how to accomplish these two transformative practices in the coming year? Let’s talk about making 2022 a year of great change.


Change that Lasts


Is it Time to Change?