AI says: Overall, what people want to change is deeply personal and reflects their unique goals and insecurities. Things like:

  • Personality Traits:  be more outgoing to less shy, more patient to less impulsive, or more confident to less self-critical.

  • Physical Attributes: be taller, shorter, thinner, more muscular.

  • Habits: stop procrastinating, worrying or nail biting or exercise more or meditate regularly.

  • Knowledge or Skills: learn a new language, become more knowledgeable about a particular subject, or improve a practical skill.

So, how can we start changing? Because other than growing taller/shorter each of the traits above are attainable! The answer is tied to overcoming our Limiting Beliefs.  However, unless you change your mindset, they will not help.

Deep inside we yearn to rewrite a part of our ourselves at some point. But most of us are not willing or do not know how to attain that place we seek in our lives.

Limiting Beliefs

·      restrict the scope of how we see our world.

·      keep us from seeing what is possible.

·      keep us from taking action to become our most authentic and powerful self.

Many of us have lived in survival mode which has sculpted our lives to what we think others want. These beliefs come from what is called change blindness. Change blindness keeps us from seeing things inconsistent with our current reality (the reality created by those pesky limiting beliefs). In other words, when you have limiting beliefs, we only see what we are prepared to see, nothing more, nothing less. The good news is we can change this!

Optimal Mind Health doesn’t happen by itself---even for the strongest of us.  Optimal Mind health is not born! It’s learned and fought for.  The three main limiting beliefs are:

•      I am not enough/worthy…

•      I am defective, or different…

•      I don’t deserve, can’t attain/achieve….

We must uncover, embrace, nurture, and cherish ourselves out of the characteristics, while we feed those we want.  Because just feeding our desired beliefs does not remove the wounds, traumas and limiting beliefs that caused them. It suppresses them only to flare up when a similar situation triggers them again. We need to come to a point where these negative thoughts, feelings, and habits in our mind are totally safe. Or circumstances will allow them to return. We must break the habit of being ourself. Want to learn how, contact me!



Gaining Your Voice


Gratitude Creates Attitude