Many people feel tired and/or have a lack the energy to function at their best throughout the day. If you are feeling a lack of energy, it’s worth taking a look at your lifestyle to see which healthy changes you can make to boost your energy levels and allow you to operate at your peak.

James Clear author of Atomic Habits method to increase anything begins with discipline. “A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination. Making a choice that is 1% better or worse seems insignificant in the moment…. Success is the product of daily habits - not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.”

We all have habits, many of which were created before we were age 8. Subtract that from your current age to determine all the years you have practiced your habits, then you will understand why it takes so much work to change them.

Some Energy Drainers:

·      Food – processed and sugar

·      Overthinking

·      Unforgiveness

·      Dehydration

·      Lack of Sleep

·      Dwelling in the past

·      Lack of sunlight

·      Multitasking

·      Screen time

·      People pleasing

·      Notifications

·      Saying yes

·      Comparing ourselves 

Some Energy Boosters:

·      Self-care

·      Nourishing food

·      Diaphragmic Breathing

·      Removing Trash Talk – saying  “I’m exhausted” keeps you there

·      Judging less, being curious more

·      Every thought creates a chemical which effects your body

·      Nature

·      Hydration

·      Hanging out with upbeat friends

·      High Fives or Laughing

·      Decluttering

·      Stretching

·      Doing Things That You Love and Enjoy

·      Dopamine/Serotonin – 50% of dopamine, 95% of serotonin is in your gut. If your food isn’t healthy, they are not released

·      Outdoors - Sunlight in first hour and sunset – resets your circadian clock, helps you sleep

·      Cold Showers – give you energy, eventually builds brown fat which increases your metabolism

·      Exercise – need 150-180 minutes/week (60% strength, 40% aerobic)

·      Gratefulness – as you wake up, state Gratitudes – people, environment, things

·      Mindfulness-Meditation – look up the 12 medically proven benefits of meditation

·      Breaks – look up the seven types of rest

·      No Go List – sensory – no digital for first hour

·      Reframe negative thoughts to positive

·      Thump cheekbones and third eye

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. – Albert Einstein

If you want to have more energy, you can simply follow the lists above or contact me to assist.


